December 21, 2020
Health Technology Innovations, Inc. of Portland, Oregon was awarded $50,000 to further develop its CryoDiscovery(TM) machine learning software for cryogenic-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), run customer trials with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies for new cryo-EM structure determination service offerings, and prepare for NSF Phase II grant submission.
Innovation Projects Throughout Oregon will Advance with New Grant Awards
Diverse innovation projects across the state are moving forward with new grant funding from Business Oregon and the Oregon Innovation Council (Oregon InC). Oregon InC approved 21 projects through two separate innovation programs, the High Impact Opportunity Projects grant program and Small Business Innovation Research matching grants.
Business Oregon’s matching grants fill needed gaps for companies who have received federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program grants, which are provided to small businesses to conduct research and development before going to full production and sales. Since the federal grants leave gaps in areas critical to getting early-stage companies to becoming viable businesses, Business Oregon’s funds help SBIR recipients keep the projects moving. From 37 proposals, 17 projects were awarded more than $900,000.