The NSF has recognized HTI’s progress applying AI/ML to cryo-EM image processing with a $1M SBIR Phase II grant award for CryoDiscovery(™), a cryo-EM automation and intelligence platform for drug discovery. A Phase I award was earlier used to successfully build and test a platform prototype, while the Phase II award will play a key role in its commercialization. HTI’s Chief Technology Officer, Narasimha Kumar, is the Principal Investigator with Dr. Craig Yoshioka of OHSU and the Pacific Northwest Cryo-EM Center (PNCC) as primary research partner. HTI is also collaborating with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, industry leading cryo-EM instrument vendors, and computer companies as a member of both Nvidia’s Inception accelerator program for AI startups and Intel’s AI Builders program. CryoDiscovery will accelerate cryo-EM image processing and help advance disease research and structure-based drug discovery.